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Cultural development concept for the city of Radebeul 2024-2030


In Radebeul, art and culture traditionally have a high status, characterise the town and radiate far beyond the region. Museums, numerous galleries, annual highlights such as the Karl May Festival or the Autumn and Wine Festival with the International Travelling Theatre Festival, and an extremely lively cultural scene are trademarks of our Lößnitz town, which combines culture, nature and wine enjoyment in an unmistakable way. Culture is at the centre of life, offering encounters and social interaction. At the same time, it is on the move, in a process of constant renewal and must face up to the challenges as part of constant social change.

On behalf of the city council, a cultural development concept for Radebeul is now to be drawn up under the auspices of the Department of Culture, which will point the way for the coming years. How important is culture to us and what are we prepared to give in return? How can we promote creative potential and preserve our rich cultural landscape? Corona has made these questions more urgent and many things need to be rethought. Now is the time to set the course conceptually and strategically!

Based on an analysis of the current situation, guidelines are to be defined and fields of action developed from which concrete measures can be derived. The cultural development concept should clearly define and strengthen the location factor "culture".

The fields of action for the strategic development of Radebeul's cultural landscape are intended to provide decision-makers in politics and administration with a framework for their actions.

Public participation is extremely important in this process of developing the concept. We need the citizens of our city, their suggestions, experiences and ideas. Several public, thematic discussion rounds are planned at the Radebeul Kultur-Bahnhof, to which we cordially invite you:

Kulturforum Radebeul: Volunteering and neighbourhood perspectives
25. October 2023, 6.00 pm, Radebeuler Kultur-Bahnhof, Sidonienstraße 1c

Radebeul cultural forum: Radebeul - space for culture
16 November 2023, 6 p.m., Radebeuler Kultur-Bahnhof, Sidonienstraße 1c

Radebeul Cultural Forum: Young culture in Radebeul
11. December 2023, 6 p.m., Radebeul Kultur-Bahnhof, Sidonienstraße 1c

Two further public discussion rounds are planned for January and February 2024, about which we will provide information in good time. In May 2024, the city council will then decide on the cultural development concept for Radebeul. Due to the rapid and serious social changes of recent years, the concept should therefore cover the period from 2024 to 2030 and then be updated.