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"KunterbuntART" by Emanuel Naumann - For art lovers, music lovers and a good cause


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On 11.05.2019 it will be colourful in Radebeul's Kultur-Bahnhof:
First of all, the exhibition opening "KunderbuntART" by Emanuel Naumann will take place in the Radebeul Ost City Library, Sidonienstr. 1c from 5.00 to 6.00 pm. The art exhibition of the Radebeul artist shows pictures and picture objects created by digital image processing as well as paintings.

The exhibition is organised as a fundraising campaign for Kindernothilfe e.V. and Kinderarche Sachsen e.V. Each exhibition picture is assigned to an association. The proceeds from the sale will be donated by Emanuel Naumann. The donor will receive their picture as a gift at the end of the exhibition. The exhibition is organised together with the Kulturverein der Stadtbibliothek Radebeul e.V.

After the opening of the exhibition "KunterbuntART" the music event "Kunst und Rap für`n guten swag" will take place in the Radebeul Kultur-Bahnhof. From 6 p.m. there will be several live hip hop acts from Dresden.

The exhibition can be seen until 26 July 2019 in the Radebeul-Ost municipal library (opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, closed on Thursdays).