Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

The Legal and Regulatory Office provides information:


The Saxon Catering Act has been in force since July 2011. It regulates both the obligation to notify tradespeople who own a permanent catering business and the obligation to notify a so-called temporary catering business.
Anyone wishing to operate a catering business only temporarily for a special reason must notify the municipality at least two weeks before the start of operations. A special occasion exists if the catering activity (serving of non-alcoholic/alcoholic beverages, preparation of food) is linked to a short-term, infrequently occurring event that lies outside the catering activity itself. Anyone who holds a travelling trade licence for the catering business to be registered or has already registered a standing catering business is not required to register.

With the amendment to the SächsGastG in 2018, the notification of a temporary catering business for a special occasion is (again) subject to a fee.
Notification forms can be found on the Radebeul city council website. Questions can be directed to the Legal and Regulatory Office, SB Gewerbe, or 0351/ 8311718.

Mrs Böhme,
Head of Order and Security,
Legal and Public Order Office