Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Reminder of the fulfilment of general residents' obligations in the large district town of Radebeul


  • Anliegerpflichten beachten: Hier müßte zurückgeschnitten werden.

In light of the current situation, the Radebeul city council would like to remind residents of the need for property owners to fulfil their obligations, in particular to keep the light well clear on public roads and paths.
For many residents, this is a matter of course that is regularly fulfilled. Unfortunately, it has to be noted time and again that some have obviously overlooked or forgotten this and that pavements and carriageway edges are not properly cut back.
Hedges, bushes and trees sometimes protrude into the pavement and carriageway area, obstructing traffic and endangering road users. There are obstructions for pedestrians under hanging branches, vehicles may be damaged or even that the residual waste disposal has to be cancelled due to some relatively narrow paths that are almost overgrown.
All of this should not happen in the first place.
Therefore, during the vegetation period, please prune any plants that protrude into the public traffic area in such a way as to prevent any obstruction or danger.

It is also imperative that this is observed:

  • The area above the carriageway must be kept clear to a height of at least 4.50 metres.
  • Above footpaths and cycle paths, the clearance profile to be kept clear is at least 2.50 metres high so that pedestrians and cyclists can use the public roads for their intended purpose.
  • Bushes and trees in the vicinity of street lamps must be trimmed in such a way that the light emission is guaranteed and no damage can occur to the lighting fixtures and overhead lines.
  • Owners of corner plots should ensure that their planting at road junctions and intersections is trimmed back so that visibility is not obstructed at a height of 0.80 metres or more.
  • Hedges along footpaths and cycle paths must be cut back so that the entire width of these paths can be used by pedestrians and cyclists. Please ensure that plants, branches and vines that protrude into public traffic areas are removed. Even if the duty to maintain road safety must be fulfilled in the first instance, in view of the provisions of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, it is recommended that plantings are pruned regularly and in good time so that radical pruning, especially in the period from 1 March to 30 September each year, is avoided and birds, among others, are not disturbed in their breeding activities.
  • Please also ensure that traffic signs and street name signs are kept free of vegetation to ensure good visibility of the signs.

In the interests of the general and unrestricted use of our public traffic areas, we ask you to observe these urgent instructions.
If you have any technical questions about pruning trees and plants, please contact the Road Construction Department (), the Urban Greenery Department (
or the staff at the Public Order Office () for further questions or information.