Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Public participation in the 2nd update of the reorganisation and measures concept for the redevelopment area "Centre Radebeul-West"


The district centre of Radebeul-West has been formally designated as a redevelopment area. The aim is to eliminate functional deficits and urban planning deficiencies and to strengthen the area as a lively supply and cultural centre. As part of these measures, it is necessary to adapt and specify the objectives in the area of Meißner Strasse 281 and 283 and for the properties at Bahnhofstrasse 10 (former station building of Radebeul-Kötzschenbroda railway station) and Güterhofstrasse 2.

This adjustment is being made by the 2nd update of the reorganisation and measures concept for the "Centre Radebeul-West" redevelopment area.

As part of the discussion with owners, tenants, leaseholders, residents (in accordance with Section 137 BauGB) and interested parties, the draft of the 2nd update will be on public display from 4 April 2019 up to and including 18 April 2019 as follows

in the foyer of the Technical Town Hall of Radebeul City Council, Pestalozzistraße 8, 0114 Radebeul, during opening hours (Monday and Friday: 9:00 - 12:00, Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00, Wednesday closed)

in the Bürgertreff, Bahnhofstraße 8, 01445 Radebeul during the opening hours of the Tretmühle test shop (Monday to Thursday: 11:00 - 18:00)

on the Internet on the homepage of Radebeul City Council - Economy & Construction - Urban redevelopment "Centre Radebeul-West" - Redevelopment concept

Ms Schöniger (Room 1.21) is available to provide you with more detailed information during the opening hours of the Technical Town Hall.

During the specified period, comments can be submitted to the city administration in writing (to: Stadtverwaltung Radebeul, Sanierungsbehörde, Pestalozzistraße 8, 01145 Radebeul), by e-mail (to: ) or during the opening hours of the Technical Town Hall to Ms Schöniger (Room 1.21) for recording.

After weighing up the concerns and suggestions submitted, the city council is expected to adopt the 2nd update of the reorganisation and measures concept in May 2019.

Dr Jörg Müller, First Mayor

Reorganisation concept