Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Pestalozzistrasse released


  • Die Pestalozzistraße ist wieder in beide Richtungen freigegeben

The one-way traffic regulation on Pestalozzistraße was cancelled yesterday afternoon.
Currently, some remaining work is still being carried out on the railings. The installation of the complete railing as such has been completed.

The construction company (Steinsetz- und Straßenbaubetrieb Jens Hausdorf GmbH) carried out the expansion of Pestalozzistraße in the section between Schildenstraße and Schumannstraße, including the renewal of the retaining wall protection towards the Kleinbahn site, between September 2018 and April 2019.
The exact dimensions of the individual retaining wall elements, staggered heights, work planning and order and delivery times by the subcontractor, which only became possible afterwards, meant that a one-way street layout had to be set up for a limited period of time due to the temporary lack of fall protection / traffic safety reasons.

The construction costs for this section of road outside the redevelopment area over a length of approx. 210 metres are estimated at around EUR 590k.
In addition, approx. 25 metres of pavement and retaining wall within the redevelopment area have been fundamentally upgraded, resulting in a cost of approx. €57k. The measure within the redevelopment area is being financed as part of the federal and state programme "Aktive Stadt- und Ortsteilzentren" (SOP), with 2/3 coming from federal and state financial aid and 1/3 from the city's own funds.