Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Naundorf celebrates its 875th birthday


August Christoph Graf von Wackerbarth was probably the most famous resident. In 1727, he had his retirement home built at the foot of the Bischofsberge, which has belonged to Niederlößnitz since 1839. Naundorf remained a Lößnitz village characterised by smallholdings. Until even older evidence is found, Naundorf can consider itself to be the oldest, with a document from 1144, and yet it is a new foundation alongside the much older Zitzschewig. The immigrant "Wessis" from what is now Lower Saxony and Franconia adopted the traditional settlement form, the Elbe-Slavic roundabout. One to one and a half dozen farmsteads were grouped around a handful of ponds, remnants of oxbow lakes of the Elbe, which were joined by an inn on the Anger in 1359.

The image of village unity that has been preserved to this day dates back to the reconstruction after the great fire of 1822. Industrialisation caused the village to grow. In 1800 Naundorf had 355 inhabitants, in 1900 there were 1,866. There had always been a blacksmith, wheelwright and cooper, bakers and butchers were added. With its own school since 1769, fire station, municipal and registry office and savings bank branch, Naundorf maintained its independence until 1923. A new village self-confidence emerged after the fall of communism. The village and school association has been commemorating the history since 1993. In 1994, on the 850th anniversary, it celebrated its first village festival.

That was 25 years ago. From 14 to 16 June 2019, the people of Naundorf will be celebrating their 875th anniversary. History will be revived on Sunday, starting at 11.00 am. A 300-metre-long parade tells the story of settlement, plague and war, agriculture, viticulture and horticulture, historical crafts and newer trades, the school and community life in 25 pictures. The festival will be opened on Friday evening at 7.00 pm by political and wine royalty. A dozen farms offer live music and culinary delights or bear witness to life in the countryside: farm romance with animals in Altnaundorf 8 or agricultural technology and engines in Altnaundorf 34, "Naundorf through the ages" is shown in Altnaundorf 11. Dorit Gäbler pours out a "kettle of colour" at 8.00 pm. At the same time, Lutz "KOWA" Kowalewski will be blowing the power blues from his soul in the Naundorf wine bar. Friday ends with fireworks at 10.45 pm. On Saturday at 12 noon, the hustle and bustle of the market continues on the street and in the courtyards; this includes the handicraft mile with spinning and lace-making at the war memorial. At 2.00 pm the big rattling starts: then the vintage cars set off on their drive. Radebeul choirs sing for coffee at 3.00 pm. On Sunday there is a wake-up call with brass band music at 10.00 am. The parade starts at 11.00 am. The celebrations will then continue until the evening.

We would be delighted to welcome you, dear people of Radebeul and guests from near and far, to the village green with free admission and hopefully sunny weather. More about the festival programme on our association's website:

Burkhard Zscheischler, Village and School Association