Elberadweg im Nebel
Elberadweg Schild
Elberadweg 3
Wandern 1
Elberadweg 2
Blick vom Bismarckturm

Circular route 1 - Lindenau

From the rest area on the Elbe cycle path (Niederwarthaer Brücke), you start the circular route 1. Take the next turn-off to the left and cycle along Niederwarthaer Straße. Here you can get your first glimpse of the steep terraced vineyards typical of Radebeul. At the first fork in the road, you have the opportunity to turn right and enjoy a stop at the Lößnitzbad. Here you can recover from the exertions of the kilometres you have perhaps already covered in the cool water. The Lößnitzbad is a natural swimming pool that was created from a former gravel pit. With a water surface area of 22,000 m², it is an interesting place to swim. You can also pass the time playing chess, table tennis, volleyball, football and sunbathing.

If you don't feel like it, continue straight on, cross the junction and you will arrive directly in Altnaundorf. This idyllic old village centre was first mentioned in 1144. Naundorf, with its typical two- and three-sided farmsteads, has a village pond in the southern neighbourhood, which gives Altnaundorf a special charm. A devastating village fire raged in 1822, as a result of which the buildings were all rebuilt and still visibly bear the keystones "1844" on the outer façade.

At the end of the village centre, turn right into Untere Johannisbergstraße, take the next left, go through the subway and then turn right again. You will see the OBI DIY store on your left and follow the small road until you reach Cossebauder Straße and cross it. At the next fork, turn left into Mittlere Johannisbergstraße and continue to the traffic lights. Cross Meißner Straße here and follow Obere Johanisbergstraße to the first small junction. Here you are spoilt for choice. If you turn right, you can visit Europe's first adventure winery, Schloss Wackerbarth. The baroque castle grounds invite you to take a stroll. Here you can enjoy a relaxed and cosy atmosphere. Tour guides will tell you what influence the soil and climate have on the wine or why sparkling wine has to be shaken rather than stirred when it is produced using the classic bottle fermentation method.

If you turn left and follow the Mittlere Bergstraße to Barkengasse, after a short steep climb you can find out about the grape varieties grown on the Saxon Wine Route, their origin, growing conditions, site requirements, cultivation and yield on the educational wine trail. However, before you walk along the educational wine trail, you will see the Hohenhaus on your right, which was taken over by the banker Rudolph Thienemann in 1832. He designed the estate as an extensive English-style landscape garden and gave it the name "Hohes Haus". Gerhart Hauptmann married the daughter of the house, Marie Thienemann, here in 1884. For many years, the Hohenhaus housed the puppet theatre collection of the Dresden State Art Collections. Since 2002, the building has had a new owner who is committed to the life and work of Gerhart Hauptmann.

Back at the crossroads, continue on circular route 1 by cycling uphill along Kottenleite until you reach the junction with Moritzburger Straße. Here you can either experience more of the charming landscape of Radebeul and switch to circular route 2, cycle to Moritzburg or end your circular route 1 in the direction of the Elbe. To continue on circular route 1, turn right into Moritzburger Straße. After approx. 100 metres, we recommend a detour to our public observatory "Adolph Diesterweg". From there you have a fantastic view of Radebeul, Dresden and, if visibility is good, as far as Saxon Switzerland.
To end circular route 1, head towards the Elbe, straight down Moritzburger Straße until you reach a junction with traffic lights. Cross Meißner Straße and continue straight ahead until you see the large stainless steel fountain in front of the "Goldener Anker" hotel. You are now in Altkötzschenbroda. This name will certainly sound familiar to you. Perhaps some of you remember the title of Bully Buhlan's song "Excuse me, sir, does this train go to Kötzschenbroda?"
Altkötzschenbroda was awakened from its slumber after reunification and saved from total demolition by being declared a redevelopment area. From then on, the village centre developed into an architectural gem. Original pubs with vaulted cellars, gourmet restaurants, cafés, wine shops and a variety of accommodation establishments opened around the village green. The village green is home to the municipal gallery and the Radebeul local history centre, which attract many visitors with interesting exhibitions and events. Between designer fashions, souvenirs and antiques, there is also home-grown fruit and vegetables, fresh milk from the cow and a long-established country bakery. Altkötzschenbroda is a popular promenade for both locals and visitors from near and far.
Pass the "Goldener Anker" hotel and follow the narrow lane until you reach the Elbe cycle path again.
From here, you can continue your journey to Dresden or Meißen.

Details of the cycle route

Information about the hike
Distance: 7 km
Duration: 30 min
Height: 71 m
Difficulty: mittel
  • Planetarium_Sternwarte Radebeul
  • Weinlehrpfad in Radebeul
  • Radfahren Dorfanger Altkötzschenbroda
  • Höhenprofil Rundweg Lindenau
  • Blick auf Schloss Wackerbarth