Neighbourhood budget for civic initiatives

Hinweisschild Sozialrathaus

District budget for the promotion of civic initiatives

Since 2017, non-commercial, civic initiatives have been able to apply for funding, known as the neighbourhood budget. The neighbourhood budget will be made available again for 2024. Funding is provided for events that serve to preserve local history, the publication of printed matter and the beautification of monuments, squares and streets (not ongoing maintenance).

The funding is provided with the aim of encouraging and providing stable support for individual initiatives in all neighbourhoods to create a lively living environment.

The budget amounts to €4,000 each for the town centres of Radebeul East (Radebeul, Oberlößnitz) and Radebeul West (Kötzschenbroda, Fürstenhain, Niederlößnitz) and €2,000each forthe other five districts of Radebeul(Lindenau, Naundorf, Serkowitz, Wahnsdorf, Zitzschewig).

It is possible to save up these funds over a maximum period of five years and use them to support larger projects.

Applications can be submitted informally or via the application form by 31 March for the respective application year.

Please send your application to: or use the online application form opposite or write to:

Radebeul Town Council
Communications, City Marketing and Tourism Department
Pestalozzistrasse 6
01445 Radebeul

It should contain the following information in accordance with the City of Radebeul's funding guidelines (appendix):

- Appointment of a person responsible for the project
- Proof/declaration of non-commerciality
- Project description
- Explanation of the extent to which the project promotes the preservation of local history and customs and the beautification of the neighbourhood?
- Presentation of a financing plan including own funds

In accordance with the funding guidelines of the City of Radebeul, funding can only be provided if a predominant own contribution is made or the overall financing of the measure has already been secured. Proportional financing, shortfall financing or fixed amount financing is provided.

If the measure is an event, the city administration will support the applicant in obtaining the necessary authorisations or will issue them free of charge. Subsequently, proof of utilisation must be provided within a period of 3 months.

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