Hinweisschild Sozialrathaus

Property management

The municipal building stock is mainly used to secure the basic municipal tasks (schools, daycare centres, administration, public infrastructure). The main tasks of the property management department include the implementation of technical, commercial and infrastructural property management. The aim is to ensure that the properties are made available in a functional and usable manner in accordance with the requirements of the respective, mostly public, uses and to guarantee the technical safety of the property. The area of responsibility also includes the implementation of the corresponding rental, lease and utilisation agreements, the necessary building-related services (e.g. cleaning, maintenance, etc.) and caretaker services.

Contact details

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Rental contracts for municipal properties and usage agreements (school sports halls, etc.):

Applications can be submitted informally in writing (also by e-mail) and should contain the following minimum information:

    1. Applicant (name, address)
    2. Telephone number
    3. Object of use
    4. Period of use
    5. Type of utilisation

Further information and links

Utilisation fees for municipal properties