Finance & Economy
SR 76/20-19/24
The award of construction services in accordance with VOB/A for the project: Conversion / extension of the Luisenstift grammar school / 2nd BA old building - renovation of four-storey listed building Lot 2 - demolition work
SR 76/20-19/24
The award of construction services in accordance with VOB/A for the project: Fire protection refurbishment of the Lößnitzgymnasium - Steinbachhaus Lot 02 - Extended shell construction
SR 67/20-19/24
The award of construction services in accordance with VOB/A for the project: Fire protection refurbishment of the Oberlößnitz primary school Lot 10 - Electrical installation
SR 67/20-19/24
The award of construction services in accordance with VOB/A for the project: Road renewal Meißner Straße between access road plot no. 373/381 and Obere Johannisbergstraße asphalt works / surface renovation
SR 67/20-19/24
Commitment to the multigenerational house
InfoSR 09/20-19/24
Budget implementation 2020 semi-annual report pursuant to Section 75 (5) SächsGemO
InfoSR 10/20-19/24
Information on the award of contracts during the period of validity of the authorisation to award contracts due to the fact that the City Council and its committees are not in session
SR 32/20-19/24
Motion by the Citizens' Forum/Greens/SPD parliamentary group: Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of reunification
SR 68/20-19/24
The award of services in accordance with VOL for the project: Establishment of a conservation statute for the villa areas Nieder- and Oberlößnitz of the city of Radebeul
SR 51/20-19/24
Excess commitment authorisation for new after-school care centre at Schiller School
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