Blick auf Radebeul

Building & Transport

SEA 08/20-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: Paulsbergweg - Weinbergmauern II. BA natural stone works lots 1 and 2

SEA 07/20-19/24


Type and nature of the municipal investment project: Supplementary road construction in connection with the construction of a new sewer by WSR GmbH in the Terrassenstraße area

SR 11/20-19/24


Development plan no. 47 Paradiessstraße/Mühlweg: extension of the change ban

SR 13/20-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: New construction Schillerhort Radebeul Lot 06 - Facade works

InfoSEA 02/20-19/24


Information on early public participation in the project-related development plan no. 72 Extension of Neufriedstein nursing home for the elderly

InfoSEA 02/20-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: Primary school Kötzschenbroda - fire protection and barrier-free upgrading Lot 03 - locksmith / steel staircase

InfoSEA 02/20-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: Replacement boathouse, 2nd BA - construction upper floor on ground floor Lot 18 - landscaping / outdoor facilities

SR 01/20-19/24


Appointment of expert residents to the decision-making urban development committee

SR 06/20-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: New construction Schillerhort Radebeul Lot 21 - Heating, sanitary

SR 31/19-19/24


The award of construction services in accordance with VOB for the construction project: Primary school Kötzschenbroda - fire protection and barrier-free upgrading Lot 04 - metal construction