Thoenes Saxon Asbestos Factory

von Heyden

Thoenes Sächsische Asbestfabrik, Meiner Straße 41

The brothers August Friedrich and Carl Gustav Thoenes were the sons of a powder manufacturer from Lower Saxony and completed a commercial apprenticeship. August Friedrich trained at the Continental Caoutchouc- & Gutta-Percha Companie in Hanover and later came to Dresden to represent the company in the Kingdom of Saxony. In 1878 he founded his "agency and commission business A. Thoenes".

Carl Gustav completed his training at the Köln-Troisdorfer Sprengstoff AG, for which he worked in London for several years.

for which he worked in London for several years. In 1880, he followed his brother to Dresden and joined his company, which from then on operated under the name "G. & A. Thoenes Comission und Agentur". In 1882, they came into contact with asbestos for the first time, which until then could only be obtained from England at high prices.

In addition to trading in technical articles for the rubber and asbestos industry, they established an asbestos goods production facility in their company. The company expanded and was relocated to Radebeul in 1889. In 1945, the company was dismantled by the Soviet occupying forces.