Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Current information on childcare in Radebeul (as of 24/03/2020)


  • Lößnitzer Kinderland Nizzastraße 18

Due to the current situation surrounding the spread of the coronavirus, special precautions and restrictions in public life must be observed in everyday life. Public childcare in Radebeul is also affected.

Questions about emergency care
In a general decree on the enforcement of the Infection Protection Act, the Free State of Saxony has ordered the suspension of school and daycare operations from 18 March 2020 up to and including 17 April 2020 as a measure in response to the coronavirus pandemic. On this basis, all providers of daycare centres and childminders are obliged to cease daycare operations, but to provide emergency care.
The criteria for using emergency care are defined in an updated announcement dated 23 March 2020:

An entitlement to emergency care exists if:

  • As before: both legal guardians or the single parent work in areas of critical infrastructure and are prevented from caring for the child due to work or operational reasons,
  • New: only one of the legal guardians works in the healthcare sector or in the field of outpatient or inpatient care or in law enforcement,
  • New: If parents or daycare centre staff fear for the child's welfare. In these cases, the responsible local youth welfare office must be informed in order to secure emergency care with their consent.
    Children in care and their guardians must not show any symptoms of Covid-19 and must not have been in contact with infected persons or have returned from a risk area designated by the Robert Koch Institute.

What does this mean for families?
1. all families are asked to take responsibility for the care of their children.
2. if parents work in a profession that is classified as a critical infrastructure sector according to the decree, they have the option of emergency care for their child. The need must be verified with the " form for declaring the need for emergency childcare in daycare centres and schools" at the facility.

The current situation is changing daily and is new and unknown to everyone. Many questions that arise cannot be answered immediately. The city of Radebeul is endeavouring to find answers promptly and provide information about the regulations.

Questions about parental contributions
To provide financial relief for families affected by the daycare centre closures, parental contributions for all children will be suspended from 18 March 2020 for the period until 17 April 2020. The regulation applies to children in municipal facilities and facilities run by independent organisations and day care centres. The city administration is currently working on a possible billing method. Presumably, the March contribution will be due and the entire month of April will not be invoiced.

Parents with loss of earnings can check their entitlement to additional benefits (see press release from the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs Press release 012 Published on 23/03/2020)
Federal Minister for Family Affairs Dr Franziska Giffey: "For many families in Germany, loss of earnings is currently an existential concern. This problem is not just a private matter, it also needs the support of the state. That is why we are making the child supplement more accessible and opening it up in the short term for those who are currently experiencing a significant drop in income. In this way, we are helping families in crisis-related situations in a very concrete way. Parents should therefore check whether they are entitled to the child supplement. It is very easy to apply online at We are thus creating a protective shield for families: in addition to the short-time working allowance, which is higher for families than for those without children, and the regulations on continued payment of wages when daycare centres or schools are closed, the KiZ is an important building block for families in protecting them from the consequences of corona."

Radebeul city administration
Child daycare centre department