Coffee surrogate factory O.E. Weber

von Heyden

Coffee surrogate factory O.E. Weber, Meißner Straße 47

The company was founded in 1873 and was the first company in the German Empire to produce fig coffee. This was an extract from roasted figs, which was used at the time of the Continental Blockade at the beginning of the 19th century to make up for the shortage of coffee beans. Due to customs regulations, the company moved to Radebeul in 1881, where Otto Ernst Weber had already acquired a site on what was then Leipziger Straße, now Meißner Str. 47, in 1875. He soon had a prestigious brick villa built next to the factory building by Radebeul master builder Friedrich Wilhelm Eisold, which is still standing today. The internationally award-winning products "Weber's Prima Feigen-Kaffee" and "Weber's Carlsbader Kaffeegewürz" were exported in the form of cubes and bars to the USA, Russia and South Africa; a brilliant entrepreneurial achievement.....