Machine factory Göhring & Hebenstreit

von Heyden

Machine factory Göhring & Hebenstreit, formerly Gartenstraße 62/64

Founded in Dresden in 1898 by engineers Johann Heinrich Hermann Göhring and Walter Hebenstreit, the company, which initially mainly produced paint drying ovens for the metal goods industry, moved into a modern factory building in Radebeul at Gartenstr. 62 in 1907, where it developed into one of Germany's leading manufacturers of baking systems for bread, biscuits, waffles, biscuits and rusks. The fully automatic wafer baking machines launched on the market in 1925 were in particularly high demand internationally. As production had been switched to war material in the meantime, the factory was completely dismantled by the Soviet occupying power in 1945, expropriated in 1946 and transferred to VEB Maschinenfabrik Spezial, which subsequently worked primarily for export again. In 1970, the company merged with the neighbouring VEB Rapido to form VEB Wägetechnik Rapido in the VEB Kombinat Nagema with over 1,400 employees in 1989.....

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