Hinweisschild Sozialrathaus

Fire protection department

The fire protection department fulfils the tasks of the local fire protection authority, which are divided into the areas of preventive fire protection and defensive fire protection. Preventive fire protection includes ensuring an adequate supply of extinguishing water, promoting fire safety education, carrying out fire prevention inspections and involvement in the building permit process.

Defence fire protection includes tasks such as equipping and maintaining a fire brigade in accordance with the fire protection requirements plan, the training and further training of fire brigade members and ensuring that the fire brigade is alerted.

Contact details

Fachbereich Brandschutz
Ansprechpartner: Herr Liebscher
Wichernstraße 29a
01445 Radebeul
0351 32343906

Further information and links

>> Information for employers
Application for reimbursement of loss ofearnings - self-employed persons (form optimised for Acrobat Reader)
Application for reimbursement of loss of earnings -employees (form optimised for Acrobat Reader)
Collective application for reimbursement of loss of earnings - employees (form optimised for Acrobat Reader)