Design guideline

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Design guideline

In April 2008, a design guideline for the redevelopment area "Zentrum und Dorfkern Radebeul-Ost" was adopted by the urban development committee of the city of Radebeul to specify the redevelopment objectives with regard to the design of buildings, advertising structures and open spaces.

Following the expansion of the redevelopment area in 2015, the design guideline was revised and supplemented and is now available in its second edition.

It describes the external design of buildings and open spaces in more detail and serves to further specify the redevelopment objectives beyond the urban redevelopment objectives set out in the redevelopment concept.

It serves as a basis for assessing all construction projects requiring authorisation in accordance with Section 144 BauGB.

The design guideline has been published as a brochure as part of the "Planen und Bauen in Radebeul" series of publications. This is available from the town hall if you are interested.

  • Gestaltungsrichtlinie Zentrum und Dorfkern Radebeul-Ost