Altkötzschenbroda conservation statutes

Sanierungsgebiet West
Meißner Straße
Schillerschule alt und neu

Preservation statutes "Radebeul-Altkötzschenbroda"

In order to preserve the urban quality achieved by the "Kötzschenbroda" redevelopment area in the historic village centre of Altkötzschenbroda, the city council of the large district town of Radebeul adopted the "Radebeul-Altkötzschenbroda" preservation statutes in accordance with Section 172 BauGB at its meeting on 20 January 2016. The statutes came into force with effect from 2 April 2016 following their publication in the official gazette in April 2016.

Objective of the statutes

The preservation statute applies to the historic village centre of Altkötzschenbroda and thus covers the properties between the Uferstraße / Kötitzer Straße junction in the west and the church forecourt in the east of the village. The entire property areas are included, as the transverse former row of barns and the horticultural use of the open spaces behind the former row of barns also characterise the urban development character of the area.

The aim of the conservation statutes is to preserve for the future the special urban design quality that this town centre has been able to retain to a large extent due to its historical development through wars, urban planning doctrines in the GDR and the building boom after 1990. The Anger area is to be preserved as a typical Saxon village structure with its interesting history, attractive streets and squares and characteristic building styles, which are characterised above all by the village's gabled courtyard structures.

The preservation statutes establish a reservation of authorisation for demolition (i.e. demolition or partial demolition), for alteration or change of use as well as for the construction of buildings. These projects are therefore not prohibited from the outset. However, a project that falls within the scope of the conservation statutes will be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine whether it may impair the contents of the conservation statutes.

Foundations of the Articles of Association

In a townscape analysis, the characteristic features of the townscape, the buildings and courtyards, the roofs and enclosures, the façade and roof design that are valuable in terms of urban development were identified and presented. The application guidelines derived from this provide the assessment framework for the examination of projects within the scope of the conservation statutes.

The urban character

The urban development character of the area due to its urban design (Section 172 (1) No. 1 BauGB) results from the structural and design features of the predominantly existing buildings. Both the characteristics of the building structure and the façade features of the buildings are decisive. The conservation statutes serve to preserve buildings that characterise the historic townscape and set the framework for new buildings to be inserted.

Individual existing buildings that do not fit into the area either in terms of the number of storeys or their construction method or façade design do not characterise the urban character of the area and cannot set the standard. Areas with newer or differently structured buildings, which differ significantly from the historic buildings in Altkötzschenbroda in terms of their building structure and design standards, were not included in the design area of the statutes.