Sanierungsgebiet West
Meißner Straße
Schillerschule alt und neu

Urban land-use planning and statutes

Urban planning deals with the development of the city as well as the spatial and social structures of the city. Based on this, it develops planning concepts, weighing up all interests with the aim of minimising conflicts. It organises both public and private construction activity and controls the spatial infrastructure in the city. Municipal urban planning essentially controls land use in the urban area.
The task of urban planning is to achieve sustainable urban development in the city. Social, economic and environmental requirements must be harmonised with one another. Socially just land use that serves the common good must be guaranteed. Urban planning should help to ensure a humane environment and to protect and develop the natural foundations of life, also with regard to general climate protection. In addition, the urban design and the townscape and landscape should be preserved and further developed in terms of building culture.
Green planning and landscape planning are becoming increasingly important.

Urban planning instruments include urban land-use plans with the inclusion of specialised plans.
The legal basis is primarily formed by the Building Code and the Saxon Building Code.

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