Renovation of the vineyard wall on the Pauslberg vineyard

Spielplatz Apothekerpark
Meißner Straße
Speisesaal Lögy
  • Weinbergsmauer Paulsberg

Retaining walls for agricultural land, EPLER development programme for rural areas in Saxony, European investment in rural areas

Construction measure: Securing and new construction of 70 square metres of dry stone wall

Construction period: February 2020 to July 2020

Construction company: Königsbrücker Ingenieur- und Straßenbau

Planner: Landscape planning Bender, Dresden

Costs: 54,171.94 €

Funding programme: Project in accordance with Directive NE/2014, Natural Heritage

The aim of the measure is the renovation / restoration (dismantling + reconstruction) of a dry stone wall on agricultural land and the preservation of the biotope, which is legally protected in accordance with Section 30 BNatSchG in conjunction with Section 21 (1) No. 4 SächsNatSchG, with a total visible area of 75.00 m², located on plot 405/3, Zitzschewig district, municipality of Radebeul.

The renovated dry stone wall on the Paulsberg vineyard is the lowest wall of the Paulsberg vineyard and is responsible for the safety of the entire vineyard. Due to the partially collapsed and weathered dry stone wall, cultivation of the vineyard was only possible to a limited extent. Now that the wall has been restored, the vineyard can be used in this area without any restrictions.