New construction of a shed or outbuilding

Sanierungsgebiet West
Meißner Straße
Schillerschule alt und neu

The construction of a new shed or outbuilding

Here you will find the most important key data for distinguishing between building projects for the construction of a shed or an outbuilding that do not require a building permit and those that do.

Type of construction Key data Applicable regulations
exempt from procedure single-storey, with a gross floor area of up to 10 square metres, in the inner area § Section 61(1)(1a) SächsBO*
subject to planning permission Gross floor area > than 10 square metres or property in an outdoor area

§§ 63 ff.** SächsBO*

* SächsBO = Saxon Building Code, ** ff. = subsequent, i.e. the following paragraphs must also be observed

Caution: In areas for which a development plan exists, there may be deviating regulations. If you are unsure, please enquire in advance with the staff at the Town Planning and Building Supervisory Office.

Note: Please also note the information on procedural freedom.

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