New construction of a residential building

Stadtansicht 1

New construction of a residential building

The construction of a single-family home, terraced house or apartment block is generally subject to planning permission.

Under certain conditions, a project (except for special buildings) may also be exempt from approval in accordance with § 62 SächsBO. In this case, please submit a single copy of the required documents to the lower building supervisory authority. If the submitted documents are complete, the authority will confirm this within five working days (from receipt of post).

In most other cases (not for special buildings), the simplified procedure is used, i.e. only selected issues are reviewed by the building supervisory authority. Other issues that are not covered by this limited scope of inspection are also not covered by the building permit, for example the authority does not check the clearance areas. As the building owner, you are therefore always responsible for compliance with all public law regulations. It is therefore very important that you look for a suitable designer who is authorised to submit building plans (usually architects or engineers who are entered in the list of authorised building planners of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers).

To obtain a building permit, a building application with the required documents must be submitted in triplicate to the lower building supervisory authority.

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