
Support services for everyday life can be called up


  • Obuchiwhilfe

The support in Radebeul in the current tense situation continues unabated. The city is already aware of 316 Ukrainians who have found refuge in Radebeul in recent weeks. Around half of them are children. A big thank you goes to the host families and carers in Radebeul, without whom this help would not be possible.

This is a particularly challenging time for both the refugees and their hosts, during which many tasks have to be accomplished. If you need support, be it with shopping, dealing with the authorities or simply need someone to offer a lift, please contact

This is where the offers of support that reach us daily via Wesite or other means are collected and coordinated. We are happy if offers can also be passed on to those affected. Please note that the supporters are often locals who do not necessarily speak Russian or Ukrainian. However, with the help of simple translation programmes or similar, simple communication is often still possible.

Offers of support can still be submitted via the >>online form.