
Current donation status and further procedure


  • Obuchiwhilfe

As of 25 March 2022, donations totalling € 5,210.00 have been received in the SPKR eV Radebeul donation account.

94,970.17 had been donated to the municipal donation account by 23/03/2022.
Next Wednesday, the donations committee formed by the city council on 16 March 2022 will meet for the first time. A guideline still to be adopted is intended to ensure transparent management of incoming donations "Emergency aid Ukraine and Obukhiv".
Further information can be found in the >> Council information system.

Thank you very much for your great support!

Donation account:
Municipality of Radebeul
Savings Bank Meißen
IBAN: DE97 8505 5000 3100 0031 00
Purpose: "831000 Emergency aid Ukraine and Obukhiv"