
Aid transport arrives in our twin town Obukhiv


  • Danke aus Obuchiw.v.l. Viktor Rogosa, Amtsleiter; Taras Chabaiovskyi, Fahrer, Anatolij Wereschak, Statdverwaltung, Mikola Krawtschenko, Bauamtsleiter

The aid transport that departed from Radebeul on Monday night arrived safely in the Ukrainian twin city of Obukhiv yesterday, 1 May.

Mayor Bert Wendsche and Second Mayor Silvio Kockentiedt, together with other members of Radebeul's municipal administration, bid farewell to the Ukrainian driver on Monday.

The MAN lorry with crane attachment was financed through the "Improving civil protection in municipal partnerships with Ukraine" project.

"The municipality of Obukhiv is very happy about the lorry, which was urgently awaited at the municipal building yard, and would like to express its sincere thanks for this further aid transport," said Viktor Rogosa, head of the Obukhiv office.

The city of Radebeul had applied for a project organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The aim is to improve civil protection in municipal partnerships with Ukraine. The Ukrainian partner city has already been supported several times since the start of the war through the provision of material goods, such as school furniture and equipment for digital lessons. The project was organised in cooperation with the Association of German Cities and the Service Agency Communities in One World. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was commissioned to implement the project. The large district town of Radebeul - as a municipality participating in the project - organised the transport of the MAN tipper truck with crane to the Ukrainian twin town of Obukhiv.

Obukhiv is located 45 kilometres south-west of the capital Kiev. It was only in mid-April that we learnt from the twin town that the Tripolje power station, which is 5 km from Obukhiv, had unfortunately been completely destroyed.