Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Stable electricity prices despite rising grid fees


As part of the provisional grid fees for 2024 published in October 2023, the transmission system operators had taken into account the subsidy of €5.5 billion announced by the German government. However, these provisional grid fees were subject to the proviso that the subsidy actually materialised. Due to the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the unconstitutionality of the 2021 supplementary budget and the resulting pressure to make savings, the German government refrained from doing so, with the result that the transmission system operators published significantly higher grid fees for 2024 on 13 December 2023. Stadtwerke Elbtal GmbH will bear the resulting increase in grid fees for household and small business customers in a 6-digit amount. These customers will not incur any new costs. Electricity prices will remain stable.

Over 28,000 household and small business electricity customers in Radebeul and Coswig place their trust in Stadtwerke Elbtal GmbH and thus benefit from stable electricity prices.