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Spring meeting of the European Foundation Wine Estates


  • OB Bert Wendsche mit Walter Herberth bei Frühjahrstreffen Europäischer Stiftungsweingüter

Last weekend, Hoflößnitz welcomed the European Foundation Wine Estates to their spring meeting. The meeting took place from 21 to 23 April 2023.

This association brings together wineries that are part of a social, municipal or charitable foundation and actively support the realisation of the foundation's original mission with their proceeds. Guests at the Hoflößnitz included foundation wineries from Hungary, South Tyrol, Switzerland and Austria.

The meeting was officially opened on Friday afternoon by Walter Herberth, Chairman of the European Foundation Wine Estates, with a champagne reception on the chestnut terrace. During the subsequent culinary evening in the Winzerssal, the organic wines of the Hoflößnitz were presented by the Saxon Wine Queen Sabrina Papperitz.

During the members' meeting on Saturday, Lord Mayor Bert Wendsche gave a talk on the subject of foundations in Saxony and Hoflößnitz in particular. After refreshments at the barbecue buffet on Pressenhausplatz, the members enjoyed a guided tour of the vineyard by cellar master Felix Hößelbarth and a guided tour of the Saxon Wine Museum with museum director
Frank Andert. In the evening, the wines of the member wineries were tasted at a joint dinner.

The meeting ended on Sunday with a church service in Dresden's Frauenkirche.