Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

New series of events at the Kultur-Bahnhof: film café


The VHS, with the support of the Radebeul City Library, invites you to a new series of events at the Radebeul Kultur-Bahnhof. On Friday 24.11.23 at 7.00 pm, the series will begin with a love film: "I am your person!" The film café will show films with the increasingly real problem of the future, and there will also be an introduction and discussion. Further evenings are to follow.

"What if...?" ...there were artificial intelligences living in bodies that are almost indistinguishable from human ones? If the surveillance of the remaining "biological humans" was controlled by AI? Or when an overpowering "AGI" (centralised networked "general" AI) comes to the conclusion that humans are imperfect, illogical and unworthy of life?

These and similar dystopias are fuelled by the current public debate about the dangers that could emanate from self-learning artificial intelligence. Even founders of billion-dollar companies such as Tesla and Open AI are allegedly warning against it.

That's why the adult education centre and the city library are inviting you to a cosy film evening at the Kultur-Bahnhof. First, there will be a short introduction to the film, followed by a discussion with an AI expert about how real the visions depicted are, or are not.

Writers and filmmakers have always been inspired by the idea that humans will one day work and live together with communicating and networked human-like machines. While in the beginning they were utopias of benign clumsy helpers who were of course far too clumsy to be taken seriously, now they are dystopian scenarios of the battle between man and machine for increasingly scarce resources.

We want to look at some films and books by authors who have imagined such a future for us. Afterwards, we can then reflect on what actually makes us humans (even today!) (better?) humans and whether our "robot colleague" might not even be this better human!