Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Livestock report 2023


The Sächsische Tierseuchekasse informs that livestock owners of horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, fish and bees are legally obliged to register and pay contributions to the Sächsische Tierseuchenkasse. The animals present on 1 January 2023 must be reported using an animal population registration form or via the Internet.

This obligation to register is based on Section 23 (5) of the Saxon Implementation Act to the Animal Health Act (SächsAGTierGesG) in conjunction with the contribution statutes of the Saxon Animal Disease Fund, regardless of whether the animals are kept on farm or for private purposes.

All further information can be obtained from:

Sächsische Tierseuchenkasse
Institution under public law
Löwenstraße 7a, 01099 Dresden
Telephone 0351 80608-30