Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Closure of the city archive due to relocation until December 2023


  • Aus dem Gebäude am Wasapark muss das Stadtarchiv ausziehen.

The city archive of Radebeul is facing major changes and will begin moving out of Wasapark in September: In the period from 1 September to 31 December 2023, there will be no consultation by the city archive staff. No archive material will be made available. Furthermore, the processing of written enquiries is only possible to a very limited extent. During the active relocation phases, it will even have to be cancelled completely. In this context, it should be noted that the staff cannot send any interim information due to capacity constraints. Written enquiries can only be made again from 1 December 2023.

Despite several months of intensive searching, no building could be found in the Radebeul city area that fulfils the necessary criteria in terms of total area, statics, climatic conditions and security aspects at the current time this year. We are therefore forced to split up the archive holdings and distribute them across two locations. In total, over 2 kilometres of archive material has to be packed, loaded and stored at the two destinations.

September: Move 1 to the "small city archive"

The former Pharmapark at Meißner Straße 191 in Radebeul-Mitte offers the opportunity to set up a "small city archive". This is where documents that must be accessible on a daily basis are stored. Information on when it will be possible to view selected archive material again will be published on the Radebeul town council website and in the press as soon as archive services have been successfully resumed.

November: Move 2 to the state church archive

The State Church Archive is located in the Coschütz-Gittersee district of Dresden to the south and offers the Radebeul City Archive the opportunity to rent a storage room for the interim period. This offers optimal conditions for the storage of archive material and can accommodate a total of 1.4 kilometres of archive material.

We ask for your understanding for the closure. We are aware that this is a restriction, but it is necessary to ensure that the two archive relocations run smoothly.

The team from the city archive