Voluntary public participation in the drafts of the revised woodland protection statutes and the statutes for improving the urban climate and ecology through trees in the large district town of Radebeul


Due to the amendment to the Saxon Nature Conservation Act (SächsNatSchG), which came into force on 18 May 2022, the City Development Committee was informed at its meeting on 28 June 2022 about the publication of the drafts of the revised tree protection statutes and the new statutes for the improvement of the urban climate and ecology through trees in the large district town of Radebeul in accordance with the city council resolution SR 25/22-19/24 of 18 May 2022.

In addition to a revision of the overarching legal basis of the current woodland protection statutes from 2011, the draft of the woodland protection statutes also provides for the introduction of so-called tree promotion statutes (statutes for the improvement of the urban climate and ecology through trees).

The revised draft statutes in comparison to the currently valid tree protection statutes from 2011 and the tree promotion statutes will be on public display from 11 July 2022 to 31 August 2022 at the Radebeul City Council, Technical Town Hall, 1st floor, Pestalozzistraße 8, 01445 Radebeul. During the exhibition period, comments and suggestions can be submitted in writing to the city administration, preferably by email at . If you have any questions during this period, please contact the staff of the Urban Greenery Department (Tel. 0351-8311912).

Comparison of woodland protection statutes
Draft statutes for the improvement of urban climate and ecology through trees