New exhibition in the Stadtgalerie from 19.04.2022


  • MailART Postkarten

At the beginning of 2021, in the middle of the corona lockdown, in a »art-free«, difficult and dark time, the painter and graphic artist Petra Schade started a MAIL ART PROJECT together with her artist colleague Anita Voigt and the photographer Burkhard Schade!

The initiators were interested in what moves people at this time. What feelings, fears and dreams did they have, what did they discover about themselves and others, what had changed for them, what did they miss and what had they gained? This project gave people a voice out of lockdown. The slow and creative design of a postcard as an expression of their own feelings became an alternative to the rapid exchange of blows on social media. It became a cross-generational mood barometer, an action of hope.

The appeal was heard, discussed and passed on in many places. Many people responded enthusiastically to the idea and over 700 cards were received between January and March 2021 - from all corners of Germany and beyond. People of all ages, artists and laypeople alike, explored the elementary and mental consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

The techniques used are as diverse as the ideas and content of the cards. Texts, graphics, photos and paintings tell of fears and courage, of hope and wishes, of criticism and anger, of private experiences and global issues.

This creative »complete work« is now being presented to the general public in the form of a travelling exhibition.

After the great start at the Heimatmuseum Radeburg in September 2021, all postcards from the project will be shown at the Stadtgalerie Radebeul from 19 April to 22 May 2022.

The opening of the exhibition is on 14 April 2022, 7:30 pm.