Mobile devices for schools are delivered


  • Notebook

After the mobile devices for pupils in need, financed via the "Mobile Devices Subsidy Ordinance", were procured and issued to the schools in the first quarter of 2021, the devices for teachers ordered in August 2021 have now also arrived at the city.

This involves a total of 31 notebooks, 38 tablets and 157 convertibles 2in1. The number of mobile devices required and the desired device types were requested from the schools in advance. The IT and Procurement department began delivering the devices to the schools at the beginning of the 13th calendar week. All devices should have arrived in the schools by 11 April 2022 at the latest. The costs of around 174 thousand euros were provided via the "Teacher Terminal Equipment Funding Ordinance" of 12 May 2021 of the State Ministry of Culture of the Free State of Saxony. This is based on the third federal-state agreement on the digitalisation of schools (Corona Aid III).