Greeting from the Lord Mayor Bert Wendsche


Dear people of Radebeul,

I recently heard a radio programme that still resonates with me today. A boy asked his mother why people have two ears but only one mouth? After thinking about it for a while, the mother replied that perhaps we should listen twice as much and only talk half as much. The longer I think about it, the more familiar and sympathetic this thought becomes. But hearing alone is probably not enough.
Almost everyone can hear, but it is important to listen, to listen. Almost everyone can see, but it is important to look, not to look away. Almost everyone can talk, but it is important to join in, and joining in means neither talking to yourself nor rambling, neither shouting nor mobbing.
And listening, looking and talking can only be successful if there is a unity of trust in one's own self and respect for the other person. Only those who listen, look and only then join in the conversation have the chance to understand the situation and the other person. And only from this can truly sustainable solutions emerge. This is the only way that cooperation can flourish, that trust and respect can be maintained, and that society can function on both a small and large scale.
What do we hear when we meet an acquaintance and get the answer to the question of how things are going? "I'm fine"? Do we hear: "I'm fine"? Or do we hear: "Are you really interested in this?" Or do we hear "Not so good actually, I'd like to talk to you about it"? Do we respond to this message?
Just hearing, seeing or talking, just using our senses, is simply not enough. It lacks resonance. The path to loneliness and selfishness and ultimately to the division of society would be mapped out. And the longer this phase lasts, the more difficult it will be to find a way back, to turn back. It is so easy, so convenient to listen and look the other way. Relearning the skills of listening and looking is much more difficult. Nevertheless, let us try again and again, I am convinced it is worth it!
Human suffering, economic hardship, fear of the future, uncertainty - the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences have shaped and changed us, each and every one of us, in one way or another. Our goal now must be to heal the injuries and wounds that have been inflicted, especially the social ones. Listening is a good and important start.
Let's look for what unites us instead of what divides us. Judging people based on their vaccination status will not encourage a voluntary willingness to show solidarity. A constant, respectful appeal, on the other hand, might.
Let's learn to be patient with each other again. I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and respect to all the people and businesses in Radebeul who are doing their best every day to improve the pandemic situation as quickly as possible. Whether in the vaccination centres, the test centres, the medical facilities, in implementing the 3G regulation in companies, daycare centres, schools and care facilities, and so on and so forth. Thank you!
A new year lies ahead of us and, in addition to the pandemic, it brings with it many other exciting challenges. This is the time of year to make plans, be optimistic and look forward to what lies ahead.
When I look back on 2021, I am amazed and delighted that so many positive, new and great things have been created for Radebeul despite all the problems caused by the pandemic. I am sure that together we will also succeed in 2022. My plan for this? Listen, look and have your say!
I invite you - let's invite each other. For us and our city!

Yours, Bert Wendsche,
Lord Mayor (non-party)