Entry of the Ukrainian Courage Award winners in the Golden Book


  • Die beiden Vertreter aus Obuchiw tragen sich im Beisein von Oberbürgermeister Bert Wendsche in das Goldene Buch der Stadt Radebeul ein

Volodimir Tselora (Deputy Mayor) and Viktor Rogoza (Head of Obukhiv City Council) were presented with the Radebeul Courage Award at a ceremony on Sunday. The two representatives from Radebeul's Ukrainian twin town used their stay to visit Ukrainian compatriots who currently live in Radebeul. They also signed the city of Radebeul's Golden Book.

They discussed the current situation in Ukraine and possible further aid shipments to the twin city with the mayor, Bert Wendsche.

Obukhiv is currently home to around 10,000 refugees from eastern Ukraine, including 3,000 children who primarily need to be educated online.