Complete closure of Meißner Straße


From 21 June 2022 until probably the end of August, the S 82 (Meißner Straße) on the border with Coswig will be fully closed to vehicle traffic. The reason for the full closure is the construction of a roundabout to connect the Nach der Schiffsmühle bridge over the Deutsche Bahn AG railway tracks. The original plan was to carry out the construction project with half-sided closures for a few weeks. However, during a safety inspection, it was determined that the required safety distances between the construction site and vehicle traffic could not be guaranteed.

For the full closure of Meißner Straße (S82), we are drawing on the positive experience gained from the full closure of Meißner Straße in Radebeul-Zitzschewig. Traffic will be widely diverted. There are three signposted diversion routes.

Two start in Radebeul at the Meißner Straße/Bahnhofstraße/Moritzburger Straße junction and one at the Meißner Straße/Cossebauder Straße junction:

1st diversion route

Bahnhofstraße/Güterhofstraße/Emil-Schüller-Straße/Kötitzer Straße/Kreisverkehr/Cossebauder Straße/S84 in the direction of Coswig/exit Coswig/

continue in Coswig Naundorfer Straße/

continue in Radebeul Kötitzer Straße/Friedrich-List-Straße/

continue in Coswig An der Walze/Grenzstraße/Kötitzer Straße/Am Güterbahnhof

2nd diversion route

Moritzburger Straße/Altlindenau/Dippelsdorfer Straße/

continue in Friedewald to the slip road onto the state road 81 (S81) in Dippelsdorf

3rd diversion route

Cossebauder Straße/

continue as diversion route 1

The diversions will of course be signposted for both directions.