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Women's Day greeting


For Women's Day on 8 March 2021

Dear women,

On the occasion of Women's Day on 8 March 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
Women are often helpers in times of need, carers, comforters, encouragers, organisers, providers or givers of strength. They are very often there for others. Hopefully you have people around you who can comfort your soul when it needs it or encourage you when everything is too much.

However, there are many people who have no one and are feeling the pain of this right now. At least I always offer them my open ear. In the spirit of Hilde Domin, a well-known poet who has unfortunately already passed away: "When you are so alone, you have to be especially good to yourself. She once said in an interview: "Look, when I have to be alone, I put a rose on my breakfast table every morning."

What a beautiful image. What she means is, think of yourself, be good to yourself, take care of yourself, protect yourself, honour yourself and celebrate yourself.

Of course, I know that a rose doesn't help every morning to get through the day with all its challenges. Especially not now, in these difficult times for all of us. There are often dark clouds hovering over our heads. These also have their natural right to exist. But hopefully they will pass after a while and you will be able to put a rose in your bed again. That would be great. That's not something you can take for granted and it takes a lot of strength.

T he contribution you make is infinitely valuable.
But take good care of yourselves.
Don' t lose heart.
C hildren, household, job, grandma, grandpa, dog, voluntary work - you rock it all.
Honestly, you are wonderful!

Especially in these difficult times that we've all been going through for months. Corona still has us firmly in its grip and is making many things visible that were previously hidden:
For example, what women achieve every day, especially single parents and in families. Of course, a simple thank you is not enough.

Much more is needed, such as fair pay for women and men in all occupational groups, especially in the so-called systemically relevant ones, in which women predominantly work. Or the adjustment of working hours for women and men so that families can share the work at home with the children and in the household and the relatives who need to be cared for.
The list would be too long.

Corona clearly holds a mirror up to our eyes and shows us where we stand ... many on the brink of exhaustion or even already over it. We can't thank you enough for everything you've managed.

I would like to say THANK YOU for your energy, your power, your commitment and your courage! Regardless of what life situation you find yourself in. THANK YOU for everything you do every day.

I toast to you all and raise my glass to you. Unfortunately, only figuratively this year. I very much hope that we can meet again in person next year to celebrate this day together.

Sincerely, Katja Kulisch
Equal Opportunities Officer