Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Photovoltaic system for the Radebeul car dealership:CO2 savings on site


  • Oberbürgermeister Bert Wendsche, Projektleiter Stephan Buffi und Michael Lauke vom Autohaus auf dem Dach mit Anlage

Stadtwerke Elbtal has installed a 78 kWp photovoltaic system on the roof of the Mercedes-Benz dealership Hahn & Schmidt in Radebeul. The system was officially handed over to the management of the dealership on 19 May 2021 in the presence of Lord Mayor Bert Wendsche.

The new rooftop photovoltaic system was connected to the grid in mid-May. 228 modules were installed on the building. The system will produce a yield of approx. 71,500 kWh/a. This corresponds to the electricity requirements of 22 single-family homes. 64% of the yield will be used directly on site for the operation of the car dealership and the workshop. This covers approx. 40 % of the car dealership's electricity requirements. The rest is fed directly into the Stadtwerke Elbtal supply network. The system will save around 35 tonnes ofCO2. A large solar display shows how much electricity is currently being fed into the grid.

The Hahn & Schmidt car dealership is investing a total of almost 100 thousand euros in the system.

Stadtwerke Elbtal (SWE) and Hahn & Schmidt have been business partners for many years. In recent years, SWE has specialised in energy services with the aim of developing decentralised energy concepts and generating electricity and heat sustainably. The expansion of renewable energy generation is a building block in this endeavour.

Mayor Bert Wendsche, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke, emphasised that both can be achieved:CO2 reduction and economic efficiency. To this end, the Hahn & Schmidt car dealership is making a contribution to reducingCO2 emissions by switching to photovoltaic electricity directly on site. The range of new e-vehicles also plays an important role.