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Literary autumn reading 2021 with Prof. Rainer Moritz


  • Plakat Literarische Herbstlese

The world's biggest book fair, the Frankfurt Book Fair, is currently running until
24 October. After the 2020 book fair was only held digitally due to the pandemic, this year there is once again an indoor exhibition that is open to trade visitors and a limited number of visitors. The past few months have shown that digital formats cannot replace face-to-face conversations about books.

Radebeul therefore invites you to an entertaining "Literary Autumn Reading" on 27 October 2021 at 7 p.m. in the city library with a proven expert who will bring fresh impressions and discoveries from the Frankfurt Book Fair to the reading-enthusiastic audience.

Rainer Moritz has combed through the year's new literary publications, both fiction and non-fiction, and presents his personal favourites. Which novels are really worth reading? Which non-fiction books promise information or entertainment? The evening aims to answer these questions in a stimulating and entertaining way - and perhaps also provide guidance as to which of these books might prove suitable as Christmas presents.

Prof Dr Rainer Moritz is director of the Literaturhaus Hamburg, literary critic and author of numerous publications, including most recently "Als ob das Leben so wär". Rainer Moritz can regularly be heard reviewing books on the radio station MDR Kultur.

Admission: advance booking: EUR 7.00 / ticket office: EUR 8.00, reduced with Radebeul Pass: EUR 4.00
Tickets at all known advance booking offices

Information under:
Tel.: 0351 8311-605,

City library in Radebeul's Kultur-Bahnhof, Sidonienstraße 1c, 01445 Radebeul