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Every year again - the Radebeul Christmas lottery attracts with great prizes for the 12th time


  • Los und Plakat 12. Weihnachtslotterie

Christmas is just around the corner and with it the Radebeul Christmas Lottery. For the 12th time, 10,000 tickets will be sold for a good cause and once again there are great prizes worth over 13,000 euros to be won. The proceeds from the sale of 10,000 euros will go 100 per cent to social projects in Radebeul.

This year, the Radebeul Social Alliance has once again organised the lottery, which is well-known and popular in Radebeul. "Organising the prizes, contacting the sponsors and producing the 10,000 raffle tickets is all done on a voluntary basis by hard-working helpers," emphasises Elmar Günther from the Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs. "The sale and distribution of the raffle tickets is also largely organised by volunteers."

Ticket sales (ticket price: 1 euro) start on 11.11.2021. The tickets are available until 24.12.2021 at the Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs on Hauptstraße 4, at the Radebeul Family Centre, Altkötzschenbroda 20, at the Altkötzschenbroda advertising guild and in many shops, parishes and day-care centres.

This year, the proceeds from ticket sales amounting to 10,000 euros will go to the Radebeul food bank, the women's refuge, the German Child Protection Association in Radebeul, the "Radebeul City Child" project run by JuCo Soziale Arbeit gGmbH and the Radebeul Family Centre.
The women's refuge can use the money to buy tickets, while the food bank needs the money for transport costs. The German Child Protection Association will receive support for a holiday camp for children from the flood area, who will be able to experience a wonderful time in our town together with children from Radebeul. The family centre can use the proceeds to continue the senior citizens' shopping service and carry out a media project for holiday children in the MitteOst (Third Place) project. JuCo gGmbH can use the money to finance a raised terrace in the "Stadtkinder" project. The proceeds will also be used to support the parishes' senior citizens' visiting service.

But it's not just the social projects from Radebeul that win in the Christmas lottery. Buying tickets at 1 euro each gives you the chance to win over 1,300 prizes totalling 13,308.84 euros, which have been provided by sponsors or purchased through donations. Once again this year, the main prize is a bicycle sponsored by the Tretmühle bicycle shop together with the Rotarys.

The other main sponsors this year are: Stadtwerke Elbtal, Radebeuler Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Rewe supermarkets, Aktion Lichtblick and Wohnungsgenossenschaft "Lößnitz" e.G. The number of small donations is also worth noting in this context. Around 100 people and institutions are on the list of donors.

"But even those who don't win anything are doing something good by buying a raffle ticket," emphasises Mathias Abraham from the family initiative. "And this year, there's a little surprise for every rivet that can put a smile on your face."