Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Advent in respect and responsibility


Everyone and all of us together

Advent means arrival. It is the time when we traditionally prepare for Christmas. It is a time of anticipation, of contemplation, but also of coming together, of hectic activity. It is associated with twinkling lights, music, scents and fir trees - a time that we look forward to anew every year, whether privately with family or with friends and colleagues.

Unfortunately, the corona situation is once again tense this year, however tired we are of the whole thing. Everyone is dealing with this situation differently, some seem to be taking it lightly, others seem to be overwhelmed by worry and fear. Some have economic or professional worries, while others can barely catch their breath from the extra work. People are as diverse as their views, effects, resilience and ways of dealing with the situation.

Everyone has the right to be respected in their own way. In the same way, everyone should also respect others in their own way. Only with mutual respect and responsible behaviour will we arrive together, have a peaceful Advent season despite all the adverse circumstances and hopefully be able to celebrate Christmas together in good health. We all bear responsibility for this together and in cooperation.

To do justice to this, we have decided to organise this year's Advent season on the Kötzschenbrodaer Anger as follows:

  • As every year, the Anger will be decorated for Advent, including a path of lights and silence.
  • The Anger will be traffic-calmed on the three weekends of the family Christmas.
  • However, the traditional Christmas market on the church forecourt will not take place as we are unable to implement the necessary hygiene and precautionary measures responsibly and with respect for one another.
  • Instead, we are enabling the neighbouring businesses to set up small, privately organised Advent islands outside their shops to offer guests Advent treats.

In this way, we can succeed together in celebrating this year's Advent season with respect and responsibility.