Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Waiver of fees for the installation of used clothing containers


The coronavirus crisis has also hit the used clothing industry hard economically.
Due to the closure of second-hand shops, there was a lack of sales markets both throughout Germany and within Europe.
When an item of clothing is thrown into a used clothing container, it becomes a commodity for the used clothing industry. Sorting systems are used to decide whether the textiles are still in good enough condition to be sold to second-hand shops or import-export companies or whether the garments can be sold elsewhere.
or whether the garments can be further processed or incinerated. The majority of second-hand goods are exported. However, the "corona crisis" has led to far-reaching
restrictions on exports and thus brought the sorting plants to a standstill. The used clothing industry's warehouses in Germany are full.
This is causing economic hardship for many companies and organisations in the sector.
The city of Radebeul is therefore waiving the installation fees for used clothing containers in the city area for 2020, not least in order to ensure safe disposal for its citizens.
The Radebeul city council has already received initial positive feedback from the companies.

Mrs Böhme,
Head of Order and Safety,
Legal and public order office