Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Temporary extension of the period of entitlement to unemployment benefit - continued authorisation is automatic


The period of entitlement to unemployment benefit will be extended by a further three months when the law comes into force - for people whose entitlement would expire between 1 May 2020 and 31 December 2020.

The facts:

1. continued authorisation is automatic
Unemployment benefit will be automatically extended for those affected by the change in the law.

2. everything runs automatically
People who receive unemployment benefit do not have to take any further action on their own initiative. All those who continue to be entitled under the new law will automatically receive a letter of authorisation. They do not have to contact the employment agency again.

3. employment agency and job centre coordinate their actions
Even people whose entitlement to unemployment benefit expired on 1 May 2020 and have therefore applied for benefits from the job centre in the meantime or are already receiving benefits under SGB II (basic income support) do not need to take action.

About unemployment benefit:

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