Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Public announcement by Wasserversorgung und Stadtentwässerung Radebeul GmbH


  • Logo der WSR Radebeul GmbH

In the period from 14 December 2020 to 15 January 2021, all meter readings of the water meters within the
water meters within the Radebeul supply area must be determined by self-reading.
This reading forms the basis for the billing of water consumption from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.
to 31.12.2020.
The meter reading is carried out by the customers themselves. For this purpose, from the beginning of
December 2020, corresponding meter reading forms will be sent to you. We are also happy to take the meter readings
by fax: 0351/8305435 or by e-mail (e-mail address
see meter reading form). You can also find a corresponding form on our
website at
If you are unable to read the water meter yourself, please contact us on
on 0351/8301090. Our employees will then arrange an appointment with
and take care of the meter reading for you.
In the interest of regular billing, we ask that you provide us with an accurate meter reading
within the specified period.
Please note: Only the meter readings of the main and garden water sub-meters will be recorded.
existing sub-meters in rented flats are not relevant.

Signed. Olaf Terno
Managing Director