Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

E-bike charging station at the tourist information centre in Radebeul


  • Die Leiterin der Tourist-Information Heike Thiele und der technische Geschäftsführer der Stadtwerke Elbtal Olaf Terno testen die neue E-Bike Ladestation

The Radebeul town council has decided to set up the first e-bike charging station in Radebeul on Hauptstraße 12 in front of the tourist information centre. Stadtwerke Elbtal planned the station and set it up with local companies. This enables e-bike users to charge their batteries quickly and conveniently.

The charging station is accessible to everyone at all times. Three charging points have been set up as a locker system. Charging is completely free of charge as the city council covers the electricity and operating costs. All you need to bring is a personal charging cable and a coin deposit of 1 or 2 euros. A standard 500 W battery that is fully discharged can be charged in 3 to 4 hours.
The official handover of the e-bike charging station took place on 27 January 2020.