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Announcement of the Saxon Animal Disease Fund (TSK)


Dear livestock owners,
Please note that as a livestock owner of horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, freshwater fish and bees, you are legally obliged to register and pay contributions to the Saxon Animal Disease Fund.

The registration and payment of contributions for your livestock is a prerequisite for
- compensation in the event of an animal epidemic,
- for the Tierseuchenkasse to contribute to the costs of carcass disposal
- for the granting of aid by the Animal Disease Fund.

Livestock owners already known to the Tierseuchenkasse will receive a notification form by post at the end of December 2019. If you have not received this by mid-January 2020, please contact the Tierseuchenkasse to indicate your livestock.
Livestock owners who have authorised their email address with the Animal Disease Fund will receive the notification request by email.
The animals present on the reporting date of 1 January 2020 must be reported on the reporting form or online. You will then receive the contribution notice at the end of February 2020.
Your obligation to report is based on Section 23 (5) of the Saxon Implementation Act to the Animal Health Act (SächsAGTierGesG) in conjunction with the contribution statutes of the Saxon Animal Disease Fund, regardless of whether you keep animals on farm or for private purposes.
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to your obligation to register with the veterinary office responsible for you.

Please take note:
On our website you will find further information on the obligation to register and pay contributions, on subsidies from the animal disease fund and on the animal health services. As a registered animal owner, you can also view your contribution account (registered livestock of the last 3 years), subsidies received, findings and an overview of your animals disposed of at the rendering plant.

Saxon Animal Disease Fund
Institution under public law
Löwenstr. 7a,
01099 Dresden
Tel: 0351 / 80608-0, Fax: 0351 / 80608-35
E-mail: Internet: