Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Rerouting Lößnitzbach - plans for public display


  • Übersichtslageplan Komplexvorhaben Lößnitzbach in Radebeul

The study of the options for rerouting the Lößnitzbach between the railway embankment and the Elbe has been completed and approved by the urban development committee for early public participation.
The reason for the rerouting is the piping of the still existing but dilapidated Lößnitzbach canal, which carries both stream water and wastewater. Nowadays, such mixtures are no longer permitted.
This is why there will be two separate systems in future. The old Lößnitzbach canal will be piped and the Lößnitzbach will be given its own new watercourse. The new course will be designed in such a way that water can no longer spill over the banks during floods.
The construction of a new section of watercourse is subject to numerous legal requirements. Two planning offices were engaged for these extensive tasks. On the one hand, the planning office ACI AQUAPROJEKT CUSULT, Dresden, which dealt with the purely hydraulic engineering part and the office Stowasserplan, Radebeul, which dealt with the nature conservation part.
From the multitude of possibilities, 3 feasible variants emerged, one of which was developed as the preferred variant.

The documents, in which the different variants were examined, are available for inspection by interested parties from 1 November 2019 to 30 November 2019 during office hours at Ms Funke's office, Stadtgrün, Zi.: 1.01.

Preferred variant

Overview of the variants