Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Passenger survey in the Upper Elbe Transport Association - survey for this year's public transport customer barometer


An extensive telephone survey is being conducted throughout the entire transport network area until the end of May on behalf of Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG (DVB) and Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO). The survey is being conducted with the aim of obtaining up-to-date data on passenger satisfaction with the quality of local transport services. This survey for the public transport customer barometer takes place annually - the results are presented in autumn.

Among other things, the interviewers ask about satisfaction with the route network, connections, ticket system, cleanliness and safety in vehicles and at stops or customer service. Personal data is not requested. In the interest of well-founded and representative results, DVB and VVO ask passengers to co-operate in the survey. It goes without saying that all data provided will be treated confidentially and used exclusively for the fulfilment of the task at hand.

Many public transport companies and transport associations from all over Germany have regularly submitted themselves to the judgement of their customers for many years. DVB has been taking part since 2000 and is now participating for the 20th time, while VVO is taking part for the 15th time. The companies once again commissioned the renowned market research institute Kantar TNS to conduct the survey. The results are compared with those of all participating transport companies and evaluated against the industry average.