Hinweisschild Sozialrathaus

Head of the Audit Office

According to Section 103 of the Saxon Municipal Code, municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants are obliged to maintain an audit office unless they utilise another municipal audit office.

Contact details

Amtsleitung: Frau Köppert
Pestalozzistraße 8
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-979

 Show map


  • Local audit of the annual financial statements of the city of Radebeul (§ 104 SächsGemO)
  • Investment audit of the municipal investments on the basis of
    § 106 Para. 2 No. 5 in conjunction with § Section 96 (1) SächsGemO
  • Other tasks in accordance with Section 106 SächsGemO include
    o ongoing audit of the cash transactions of the municipality and its special funds
    o auditing the proof of inventories and assets of the municipality and its special assets
    o Participation in the audit of the financial automation programmes
    o Audit of contract awards, construction work and construction invoices
    o As part of contracts and agreements, the Audit Office audits municipalities, associations and clubs as listed below
  • Audit of contract awards, construction work and construction invoices for the town of Coswig
  • Audit of the annual financial statements of the Brockwitz-Rödern water association (based in Coswig-Kötitz)
  • Audit of the annual financial statements of the Promnitztal wastewater association
    (Radeburg office)